I found another silver hair today – a grand long one that glinted in the light of my bathroom mirror. Finding one of those and then yanking it out always puts me in a reflective mood and makes my stepmother’s offer of a real shotgun wedding more and more appealing. Of course, at the pace things are going with The Beard, the eventual nuptials are going to look something like this:
My dad and my stepmother are obsessed with the idea of my getting married. Not that I’m not similarly obsessed, but they go about it with an unparalleled fervor. When I told them I’d be doing Manolo for the Brides, I received this note in the mail:
So maybe writing for a wedding etiquette site will inspire you and The Beard to start planning your own wedding? As always we are here for moral support, ideas, the funding of a wedding, and of course permission from the F.O.B. (father of the bride).
Thanks. Really. Thanks.
My gf and I are constantly being asked by *friends*, “When are you two getting married?” The latest was from a friend of hers who is the last of her college group to get married–next month (I should state my gf was married once before. I never have.). I guess we’re fortunate it seems the only people who haven’t asked us that question are our parents.
What’s truly astounding is we’ve explained to these folks our reasons for not getting married and while it’s obvious our reasons are not valid to our friends, they’re valid to us and that *should* close the case. Alas and alack, thy name is “We’re not listening LALALALALA!”
Man, my blood pressure is sky-high right now.
Ok, so I am new to all the wedding hoopla and need a little help with the do’s and don’ts of this whole thing….While I have learned that October is not a beach-wedding month and that it is UBER tacky to include registry cards with wedding announcements, is it still necessary in this day and age to receive the blessing from the Father of the Bride? I think it is sweet and traditional, but I honestly cannot see my darling love asking my dad if its ok if we get married. *shrug*
Never teh Bride, you crack me up! This site is both entertaining and educational for someone like me who knows NOTHING of nuptual etiquette. Thanks!
Hee hee. Every time I tell my mom about a new dance partner, she says, “Is he married? How old is he? Did you like him?” Even if the guy is still in braces or has a boyfriend, to her, he’s a potential son in law.
Victor, maybe you could try the vague excuse, e.g., it’s just not the right time.
JayKay, thanks for the kind words!
To answer your question, I find that the decision to request the blessing of the FOB is generally something that is or is not a tradition in the family of the future bride or future groom. My pop is an old fashioned kind of guy and has made it quite clear that he expects to be asked for my hand. What I forsee happened is The Beard proposing and then me saying, “Oh my gosh, quick, call my dad!”
My husband called my dad to ask for my hand in marriage before he proposed. Talk about greasing the skids. Dad LOVES him. Highly recommended as a good way to start things off on the right foot with the in-laws.
I concur with Motormouth. My sister’s husband did NOT ask permission. And my father resents it to this day, despite the production of the first grandchild.
I’ll marry you… I don’t think my husband will mind… much?
I also agree with Onawhim & Motormouth. Not only did my husband ask my grandfather (father has never been in the picture), but he asked my entire family (there’s only 11 of us, counting children!). Everyone’s response? “Of course you can – (insert “take her please” joke here)! We were wondering how long it was going to take (my family is the picking-on kind…arg) before you asked!”
Atomic Bombshell, I’m sure your husband wouldn’t mind at all! I make a mean pie!
I love the wit in your writing. although I have been a bride – and may yet again, I have little to no use for all things wedding. it’s your writing that keeps me coming back to this site – totally addicting. Hey, I looked on the website – are there Never Teh Bride tee shirts? can’t find any… must have one.