Reader deb sent me a link to some shall we say…striking vehicular adornments with which brides and grooms proud of their ‘just married’ status can shout to the world, “We’re hitched!” And I do mean shout.
Car Graphiz (sic) describes itself as “Your one-stop decal shop for all your decal needs.” They offer thirteen styles of wedding-related decals that one can emblazon on the side of one’s car. AND thirteen designs that turn the hood of that car into the world’s largest wedding announcement. I’m not sure how much car decals cost, but when I see “Price: Ask” I assume it’s more than a night on the town.
I can just picture driving around Boston in my not-exactly-new but not-quite-that-old four door sedan upon which I have stuck gigantic stickers reading “Never teh Bride and The Beard: Together forever! We do! Our precious moments!”
If you’d like to announce your nuptials on your vehicle but don’t want to cover it in shades of purple and pink circa 1980, try these understated‘just married’ wedding bell magnets.
Whatever happened to Oreos stuck to the windshield, toilet paper trailing from [everything], and old shoes trailing from the bumper? Unless you’re hoping that the tasteful subtlety of the decal will cause presents to continue trickling in for the full three years you leave it attached to your ride…
Oreos stuck to the windshield? Ew! I’ve seen cars with paper streamers trailing out the back and soap suds spread all over the paint. And there are always those water soluable paint sticks you can write on glass with.
Ay-yi-yi … I think Himself would faint with horror on the spot if anyone did this to his car.
And you’d have to leave your cari n the shop to have it done? It’s not real spontaneous, is it?
So with you, Riona, on both counts.
I remember we spread the word to EVERYONE that if there was so much as a dollop of any unauthorized substance on my beloved’s car when we went to make our escape there would be bloodshed. But if he’d been willing to put his baby in the line of danger, we would certainly have preferred the spontaneous outpourings of our nearest and dearest over taking the car in to have it pre-graffittied with decals that cost roughly the gross national product of a small third-world nation and are, no doubt, nearly impossible to remove by ourselves.
Thumbs down to this idea…even if the colors weren’t so horrible.
This is a bit…um…MUCH? I personally prefer the little magnet on the car, if you must do that car decoration at all….I think the fact that a woman wearing a veil and a guy in a tux pretty much will tell anyone driving around you that either you just got married, were in a Broadway musical or you just take your role-playing to the extreme ….
All it needs is pink neon for the undercarriage! This is a fun idea, especially if you have a long drive to the recption.
What’s up? Don’t people decorate cars anymore during the wedding reception? I spent some happy hours in my youth helping family members whip-cream, oreo, marshmallow, Saran-Wrap and crepe-paper a bazillion cars, not to mention filling them with balloons, shredded paper, etc. Of course, it’s all in the name of fun and never created permanent damage: the modern version of “Oklahoma”‘s shiveree! If you were smart, you parked your “real” car somewhere safe, and drove a decoy to the reception. If not: your bad.
I’ll tell ya: young folks today, they don’t got no sense of humor…
…although I must admit: we drove a decoy to the reception, only to be annihilated for real a week later, on a morning when we were running late for work/school. Had to cut the Saran-Wrap to get into the shredded-paper-filled car, and then hop out to smear just enough marshmallows off of the windshield that we could see to drive. And I was not particularly amused. At the time.
Sounds sticky, jenny. It would never occur to me to use food to disfigure an automobile!
AlwaysABride, you’d be surprised. I know I was, when we stopped to fill up the gas tank, and the attendant assumed that we (my then-husband and I) were attending a Rocky Horror Picture Show event. WUWT???