Archive for October, 2007

And they lived hellishly ever after

Wednesday, October 31st, 2007

Spook knows how to mack!

Here’s hoping you have an appropriately spooky Halloween — or a perfectly uneventful one if, like me, you’re absolutely terrified of roving bands of costumed kids!

Happily Wedded Wednesday

Wednesday, October 31st, 2007

Marriage should ideally stay strong through thick and through thin, with emphasis on the thick, according to a study released by the Obesity Society. During a five-year period, newlyweds in their early 20s gain six to nine pounds more than their peers who are single and dating. Well, shucks. Comfort…cooking together…I’m not seeing the problem here. For better or for girth, my fanny.

Is that really the only reason?

Salon–with help from Deborah Merrill, author of Mothers-in-Law and Daughters-in-Law: Understanding the Relationship and What Makes Them Friends or Foe–puts the monster-in-law myth to bed once and for all in this Broadsheet piece. It’s cool to dig your MIL!

Saying it with flowers is easiest when you can do it from home, in your jammies. If you like knowing where your cut flowers come from (and why…and to a certain extent how), have a gander at 1-800-FLOWERS‘ Fields of the World bouquets. Whether or not you send someone you love a bouquet, you’ll learn some interesting flower-related factoids. For example, orange ‘Mok OJ’ and yellow ‘Mok Jitty’ orchids come from Thailand. And you can have a hand in choosing the company’s next worldly field destination by voting in the Fields of the World contest. Choose the photo you like best–each was taken and submitted by someone who reeaaally likes flowers. The winning photo will adorn a billboard in Times Square. Me, I like lotus blossoms.

And finally, Diana comes this sorry tale about a minister who stands accused of helping herself to wedding gifts in the form of Home Depot cards. There’s no surveillance camera in this story…in fact, the couple in question married at home. Kitty and Shawn Sonnenschein hoped that the Rev. Shey-Rima Silveira wasn’t the culprit, but there could be no other explanation once the gift cards were traced. Silveira later claimed the wedding party gave her the stolen cards. Sure, honey, sure.

She is fabulous. Color me jealous.

Tuesday, October 30th, 2007

Audrey, who hangs out on Craftster and is is mega crafty herself, pointed me toward a selection of wedding photos posted on the aforementioned boards by one Showmehelen. When I looked at the small sampling of wedding pics Showmehelen posted on Craftster, I immediately became entirely too envious and vowed to begin taking all sorts of creative classes.

A net with which to capture the attention

See her guestbook, rings, super-fly headgear, bouquet, and decor in the post referenced above. Find advice on replicating the guestbook here. Then go check out her invitations and favors here. Once you’ve done all that, have a second look at her utterly freakin’ stunning post-morning ceremony ceremony garb:


Mary might marry if fate provides the proposal

Monday, October 29th, 2007

Have you received anything for one mysterious Mary in your inbox as of late? Perhaps a missive asking you to pass along an e-mail with a proposal in the form of a poem or a link to Proposal to Mary? An unnamed suitor has apparently concocted a plan to spread his proposal far and wide through forwarded e-mails, in the hopes it will eventual reach his sweetheart. It all began when he sent out an e-mail to 50 strangers, asking them to pass the proposal on.


How will his Mary know that she is the Mary mentioned? By the poem said suitor composed:

Five years ago, I will always remember the day
When fate made us meet, blissful Alaskan moments in May
Earth spun around us and a journey began
Love, warmth, happiness, enough the years to span.

The longer it lasts the more grows our bond
And with 80 still – of you I will be fond
Whatever happens, I will stay at your side
Through good and bad, together let us stride

No second with you was ever wasted
You are the sweetest I have ever tasted
We have spent so many years – why not a life?
Mary, will you marry me – and become my wife?

If you don’t balk at the idea of sending around e-mail fowards to friends, why not help this suitor get the message across to his Mary? Whether the e-mail–which can be found on his web site–will make its way to its intended destination remains to be seen. It’s a pretty weird idea, but I’m curious as to how it will work out in the end.

Odds and Ends From the World of Weddings and Marriage

Sunday, October 28th, 2007

Every now and again, a story comes along that just makes you feel good. That’s what the recent AP story about Karen Kline and her wedding photos did for me.

Karen was eighteen when she married nineteen-year-old Mark Kline in 1980. The couple had a lot of expenses, including the house they’d just bought, and found themselves unable to scrape up the $150 they needed to order prints of their wedding photos. Kline was heartsick, but made do for nearly twenty-seven years with a single photograph a guest had taken of her walking down the aisle.


Last Sunday’s Caption Madness: The Result

Saturday, October 27th, 2007

Well, you guys did me proud. I hit you with this terrifying image:

Chihuahua Bride

And you gave me some good belly laughs to go with it.

In the end, though, only one of you may wear the laurel crown of victory in this grueling contest, and that winner is NonyMouse for this gem:

After a drunken promise to a jilted buddy that he’d only marry his best friend, Jerry had a seriously disturbing dream

Congratulations, NonyMouse, and thanks to everyone else who played!

Birthdays, books, and the blahs

Friday, October 26th, 2007

Today is my birthday, and this is how I feel inside:

Seriously dressed to kill

I’ve known brides who could just as easily have said, “Today is my wedding day, and this is how I feel inside.” Not because they didn’t want to get married, but because their weddings did not unfold as expected.

Ready for a personal, off-topic (i.e. NWR) post? Good…so am I. Right now, I’m under contract to write a book…a book about weddings, natch. There are lots and lots of reasons that the book probably wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t started writing for The Manolo. One of the reasons–I’m convinced–that the publisher was so open to taking my book on was the fact that I could say that I had a readership.

So even though I’m feeling kind of blah and I can’t just stop what I’m doing to pamper myself and play, I wanted to give ya’ll a big dose of my gratitude because you’re part of the reason I’ve had so many good things happen to me this past year! And somewhere in all that gratitude is a big hug of thanks for The Manolo as well! This is me inviting everyone to join me in dressing up and putting on the nearest tiara (something I do every year on my natal anniversary) so we can all be extra fabulous and super fantastic the whole day through. Nothing, I think, lifts the birthday blahs like a good tiara.

And maybe a good laugh…under the cut, you’ll find a funny video–funny because it’s so true–that I pulled from Stupid Wedding Crap. If you’re at work, be aware that there is a bit of profanity.
