I don’t regret much where my wedding is concerned…you know, other than the fact that my dress was a smidge too big and I gave out fans as favors on the windiest possible day. Oh, and the fact that I didn’t round out my vegetarian buffet with a candy bar.
Parties by Panache put together the mouth watering candy bar you see above. it looks like it’s full of the candy I remember from my childhood: candy dots, Smarties, taffies, and butterscotch suckers. Not my favorites, but they’ll do when I’m craving a little sugar.
Being that the lack of candy at my reception is a regret of mine, I plan to make it up to myself by having the most spectacular candy bar at my book release party. If you had a candy bar at your wedding or have enjoyed a candy bar at someone else’s wedding, hit me up (and by extension, everyone else reading this) with pointers. What’s the best candy to put in a candy bar? What’s the worst candy you could encounter?
A wedding at whicn my bf was the best man had a candy bar. I remember they had swedish fish, jelly beans (jelly belly, of course!), starbursts… a couple other things, too, but I don’t remember.
They had bags and labels so each guest could take some home, and remember which bag was theirs. At a wedding where I generally didn’t like much about it, I did think the candy bar was a good idea.
Mmm…Swedish fish. The best would be anything not prone to melting. The worst would be JuJuBees. Those things are pure evil.
Definitely avoid the melting candies, especially at outdoor summertime affairs!