The Beau-coup Wedding Favors mini contest

It’s nice to get a little help in what the radio keeps telling me are these tough times, especially when everything wedding related costs a pretty penny. Why, favors alone can eat up a good portion of your extras budget when you’re trying to ensure that your guests aren’t going to toss your gift in the nearest trash bin!

If you’d like a little help, you’ll be happy to know that Beau-coup Wedding Favors got in touch with me the other day because they want to give one lucky bride-to-be (or nuptial enthusiast) a $75 gift certificate toward favors. To enter to win, just leave a comment on this post telling us what kind of favor you’d like to receive at the next wedding you attend. Personally, I’d like a mini tin of loose tea.

At noon on Thursday, July 31 at 12 p.m. EST, I’ll use my trusty random number generator to choose a winner.

33 Responses to “The Beau-coup Wedding Favors mini contest”

  1. blablover5 says:

    I think I’d love to get a simple good smelling candle.

  2. Bitter says:

    I love the label on the tea picture above. If we can get away with it under local laws, I’d love to do a custom beer brew for our favors and that would make the cutest label! (No, we’re not going to have kids there and with a small guest list, we know everyone there is fine with a beer.) The problem is the local law. Virginia (our likely location) has pretty tight rules, so much so that a bar got in trouble for serving frozen beer once.

    My view of favors is that they should be useful or very much related to the couple’s personalities. Just stamping their names on any random item just screams, “We’re doing this because someone told us we have to!” to me.

    That said, I could actually use one of those tiny silver frames, but only as long as it comes in a size that actually holds the wallet sized photos of my nephew. I like their Jelly Bean Cocktail Mixers because they offer enough choices that you can likely find the favorite drink of the bride or groom (mojitos for my man, especially in the summer) and most people love jelly beans.

  3. srah says:

    I think edible or usable (like candles or soaps) favors are best, because you aren’t expected to keep them forever. I am not a big fan of stuff engraved with the names of the B&G or the wedding date or something. Do I need an engraved champagne flute? Where would I put it? I would probably never use it again, but it’s one of those things you feel guilty about throwing away or leaving behind.

    The tea looks good!

  4. Ms. 122 says:

    I like the plant seed favors!

  5. Tizzy says:

    I love tiny things. Minis, whatever. Some how tiny food is extra awesome. Tiny maple syrup bottles, jam and honey jars, olive oil cruets, tiny tabascos sauces… apparently I have a particular fondness for tiny condiments…

  6. HurricaneDeck says:

    I love the travel candles!!

  7. Audrey says:

    I vote edibles all the way. Bubbles are fun, but end up just adding plastic to a garbage dump somewhere. Edibles leave less trash behind and are almost NEVER left on tables after wedding receptions conclude. I’m especially fond of things like the monogrammed Petit Fours on that website.

  8. dr nic says:

    I would have to agree with the edibles, that or something sort of useful. Probably the best favor I ever received was a Kashmiri paper box. It’s the perfect size to hold a waiter’s corkscrew and wine glass charms, while looking cute on my bar.

  9. Amy says:

    I’d have to go with edibles as well..I love the Gourmet cupcake mixes!!!

  10. Molly says:

    I would love a bar of “spicy” chocolate. Also called Aztec Chocolate. It is chocolate with cayenne pepper!

  11. bernadette says:

    I’m really entranced with the plantable favors. They’re environmentally friendly, and everyone loves flowers! Of course I can never say no to chocolate 🙂

  12. Remy says:

    I’d think it would be fun to get a half-gig thumb drive that could have little wedding bells printed on the casing in whatever color theme the reception has, and then have some pictures of the bride and groom or other wedding items saved on it. That way, everyone gets something personalized with that wedding, that’s still functional enough to use for a long time after!

  13. Nina says:

    I love the L.O.V.E. favors… people can use them over and over again and think about your special day. We choose those because they are practical and any couple or family could use them. 🙂

  14. Shannon says:

    OOOh! I want the tea, too!

  15. Jessica J says:

    I would like an edible favor, like chocolate truffles in a pretty box that is reusable for jewelry or something else small.

  16. Robert says:

    I think small boxes of LEGOS including instructions would be great for the invited guests who need a little help to stay lucid & pay attention to what’s going on around them. If someone would publish directions on how to make a LEGO Bride/Groom or Wedding Chapel, all the better!

  17. Lily.hazel says:

    I’m totally with you on the tea.

  18. Amy says:

    One word: chocolate. My one vice.

  19. AmazonPrincess says:

    I’m actually totally in love with what my friend and I are doing for favors for her wedding. A small potted orchid in these cute blue pots. They also conveniently double as the floral centerpieces. Woo combing floral and favor budgets!

  20. kristy says:

    I love things I will use, or eat. I really like the cookies. But then I like keeping wedding favors, if only for the people I like. I like looking through all the ones my parents have collected over time. So maybe those peronalized mint tins? You get the nummy mints, and you get to keep the tin.

  21. mcb says:

    Yes to the ridiculously cute mini gumball machines!

  22. Susan says:

    Love the gourmet cupcake mix from Beau-coup. I’d like mini-bottles of champagne to go with a cake favor box.

  23. Laura says:

    I’m checking out those fans – outdoor wedding, Texas, September….hmmmm.

  24. Melissa says:

    We’re doing OOT boxes filled with favor-like stuff, and beau-coup has at least a dozen options that would be perfect. I especially want to do water bottles, and those little cake-shaped cookies. So cute!

  25. Lisa J. says:

    Oh! I would love tea or cookies. yum.

  26. Abbie in CO says:

    I would either go with the plantable favors or the sandalwood fans. I like the idea of giving back to the Earth, but it will also probably be really warm when we get married! What a great giveaway! Thanks!

  27. Meesh in Jersey says:

    I’m getting married in December and it would be fun to have a winter themed favor. Maybe hot chocolate and mugs to match!

  28. Obi-Wandreas says:

    The tea favor looks great, but the heart shaped strainer is useless. It is far too small to allow the tea leaves to expand properly. The only proper device is the cheesecloth socks that my family has to import from Denmark.

    I must umpteenth the vote for edible and/or useful favors, bowing to the wisdom of the superfantastic Dr. Nic*. A dear friend of mine, for example, had always wanted a winter wedding. She got hers, on an idyllic Buffalo winter’s day, with fresh snow and all the beauty that entails.

    Their favors: engraved ice scrapers.

    *Full Disclosure: She’s sitting next to me on the couch as I write this.

  29. Michelle says:

    I would like to be given a cute, but edible favor because after a night of dancing at a wedding, I’ve always worked up a hunger and am looking for another treat on the way out.

  30. Meghan says:

    I would love a mini bottle of sparkling cider!

  31. Redblur63 says:

    The seed papers are beautiful, biodegradable and a wonderful way to remember the wedding with something living!

  32. mywhimsey says:

    I’d love one of those small picture frames, or the seeds, or the tea – they all sound fantastic to me, but i agree that a favor ought to be something useful or beautiful!

  33. meowme says:

    i like the tea, but i think i’m too late…