LOVE/HATE: The “Don’t Tase Me, Bro” Edition

Some of the weddings I remember most fondly are the ones I don’t remember much at all. Of course, those are the weddings I attended while in college or just out of college, and the guests were typically young and/or tolerant of our crazy shenanigans. Nowadays I would never ever consider getting sloshed and unruly at someone’s reception…out of respect for the bride and groom and out of respect for myself.

Not everyone agrees with me, however. There are plenty of people out there who think a wedding isn’t a wedding until someone gets tossed through a plate glass window. One couple made news when they took their nuptial party to the extreme…and got tased for their trouble! To each their own, I guess.

After they were wed on the beach, bride Anna Pastuszwska and groom Andy Somora (who is being handcuffed [in the picture]) were Tasered and arrested at the art gallery where their reception took place.

“The short version of the story is they didn’t want to quit their partying,” said Mike Sepic, Berrien County, Mich., chief assistant prosecutor. “If you put this in the class of wedding receptions gone bad, I guess this would take the cake.”

In my opinion, rowdy receptions are all right within reason as long as no one is disturbed by the noise or hurt during the proceedings. Do I love them? No. I’m old enough to appreciate a nice dinner, some swing dancing, and a good slice of cake on their own merits. Do I hate them? I’ll just say this — I hate watching people make fools of themselves, whether they’re a guest, a vendor, or even the bride and groom.

Tell us what you think! And while you’re at is, do share your wild wedding stories because we love ’em!

6 Responses to “LOVE/HATE: The “Don’t Tase Me, Bro” Edition”

  1. Sarah says:

    In Russia, they say it isn’t a wedding until someone starts a brawl! But I myself prefer the more sedate kind (by sedate, I mean good food, lots of dancing, and nobody needing to dial 911!).

  2. Twistie says:

    I’m with you, NtB. I like a celebration that doesn’t depend on drunkeness or disorderly conduct for ‘fun.’

    The amazing thing is that while I’ve been to many weddings, I’ve only seen mild unfortunate behavior, and several cases of really amusing hijinks. There have been three or four quiet, giggly drunks, only one of whom grabbed the mic and embarrassed himself a bit. There was the group of bridesmaids whose toast was a silly little poem they composed themselves. The one unfortunate thing in that was the fact that they chose to illustrate the bride’s propensity to malaprops by telling the room – including both the parents and grandparents on both sides – about the time she mistakenly called ‘foccacio dough’ ‘fellatio dough.’ Oh, and there was the time two bridesmaids collided in a fierce battle for the bouquet and both landed on their butts.

    Several guests who had warped senses of humor attacked me with Silly String at my wedding reception. They never expected me to find a way to get one of the cans and retaliate! We all had a good laugh about it.

    I did prank a bride once. She and I had worked together in a department store restaurant for a while. One day, somebody left behind this rubber mouse, which my friend and I imediately christened Templeton after the rat in Charlotte’s Web. I don’t remember how it got started, but we began leaving Templeton in strange places to startle one another. I hasten to emphasize that at no time did Templeton come into contact with ANY of the food.

    Eventually, we both moved on from that job and it happened that Templeton was in my possession at the time. When her wedding day came along, I wrapped up Templeton and took him with me. During the reception, I handed the box to my friend and told her this was a very important gift that she needed to open right away. She did. There was a shriek of laughter followed by a heartfelt cry of TEMPLETON!!!

    She wore him on her shoulder most of the rest of the day…except for the time she tried to position him in her cleavage for a special photograph.

    I just haven’t moved in the sorts of circles where actual bodily harm and destruction of property happen at weddings. I count myself lucky.

  3. The Virtual Bridesmaid says:

    I would never want to embarrass myself like that!

    The Virtual Bridesmaid

  4. raincoaster says:

    What’s even funnier is, two days later the same couple was arrested for fighting so loudly they violated noise laws. Again they resisted arrest, and again, yup, they were tasered.

  5. La Petite Acadienne says:

    Are you serious, raincoaster? Wow…I guess some people just can’t get themselves under control. There is something to be said for living (and loving, and celebrating, and fighting) passionately, but…there’s also something to be said for being able to get ahold of yourself once the cops show up.

  6. La BellaDonna says:

    La Petite Acadienne, I absolutely agree with you – but I did read the comments section of the article, and the comments from the people who were there make it clear that there was not, in fact, anything like the kind of riot and ruckus going on that the paper and the police were claiming, and the police were totally out of line. Sadly, it wouldn’t be the first time. What happened at the second encounter I can’t attest to, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the couple is a) not having a happy start to their marriage as a result; or b) being targeted by the cops in order to strengthen their own position in case of a lawsuit. Again, it does happen.

    That said, my own taste is for something a lot quieter.