Nothing Burps Like Your Wedding Favors

A few months back, I noticed that everyone I know seems to be obsessed with bacon. In the recent holiday gift issue of New York Magazine — which I began receiving for free about two years ago for some bizarre reason — plenty of their holiday poll respondents mentioned bacon as the perfect holiday prezzie. I don’t get it. Even before I stopped eating meat, I’d always choose sausage over bacon. To each their own, I suppose.

If you are a true bacon aficionado and looking for a perfect (perfectly dreadful?) wedding favor that highlights your interests, how about giving your wedding guests maple bacon lollipops to take home after the reception?


Okay, I just shuddered thinking about it. I’d much rather have one of Lollyphile‘s wasabi ginger pops, though I’ll pass on the absinthe flavor. Of course, there is no one wedding favor that will please all of your guests. I do wonder, however, whether bacon sweets like the aforementioned lollies, bacon jelly beans, and bacon cookies will delight even half your wedding guests.

8 Responses to “Nothing Burps Like Your Wedding Favors”

  1. Twistie says:

    I adore bacon. I would totally eat bacon-wrapped-bacon any day of the week and twice on sundays. I always feel it in my soul when one of the judges on Top Chef croons to a contestant: “You gave me bacon.” I am the poster child for bacon addiction.

    But these? Not on a bet.

    I learned something from the story of the time my grandfather ate a bar of soap doused in maple syrup on a dare because he loved maple syrup that much.

    These lollypops look just about that appetizing to me.

  2. blablover5 says:

    We had the bacon jelly bellies after seeing them. Though the cursed Bertie Botts only had one. It was weird how much it tasted like bacon.

    I’ve had bacon chips too, but they just tasted like ham. It is kinda entertaining the things people try to turn into bacon.

  3. KTB says:

    I’m with Twistie–I love me some bacon, and so does my fiance.

    That said, if we were giving favors, they would be some Bacon Chocolate, as seen here:

    I’ve tried them, they are amazing. I would probably also throw in a few of his other amazing flavors in case people weren’t as crazy about bacon as we are.

  4. I too am a lover of bacon. It is just so delicious. Yum. I am intrigued by the lolipops but I would not give them as wedding favors. That’s odd I think.

  5. Melissa B. says:

    Count me as another bacon-lover (bacon-wrapped scallops are like little bites of salty, fatty heaven!), but I am a bacon purist. I strongly oppose all “bacon-flavored” products, including fake bacon bits and bacon-flavored candy. Bacon = meat. End of story.

  6. Blake K says:

    Intriguing. I wouldn’t write them off before I’d tasted them. The bacon chocolate thingie sounds interesting too. Of course, I will grow old and haggard before I actually taste either of them so I guess it’s a wash.

  7. Valirae says:

    I love the idea of giving candy that you don’t exactly see in stores, but that bacon flavored sucker just sounds gross to me…and it has little red spots in it that look like something that should be growing in a petri dish.

    That wasabi ginger sounds awesome though.

  8. Thanks for pushing out more Bacon information to the World!
    Reverend Tex B. Acon
    WWBD – What Would Bacon Do?