Sleeves, In Spades

All right, so the sleeves on these Christian Lacroix for Rosa Clara wedding dresses may not be all that long, but they certainly are wide!

Christian Lacroix Rosa Clara

Funny thing – I’m not sold on big sleeves (though I’ll fight to the death for your right to wear them) but I do like a wedding dress that’s rather reminiscent of the 1930s, yet not mired in them. Maybe it’s the materials? Muslin, organza, crepeline and lace meet fine stones and mother-of-pearl pailletes, turning out a luxurious and still oddly down-to-earth set of wedding dresses.

What do you think? The 80s are back with a vengeance, so why not the sleeves that were in some ways their signature?

7 Responses to “Sleeves, In Spades”

  1. Giggles says:

    I’m not a fan of big sleeves either, but those dresses are gorgeous.

  2. ChristianeF says:

    I don’t mind the sleeves, it’s the bow that’s killing it for me. I just want to rip it off.

  3. Toni says:

    I think these work because the dresses themselves are rather slender and formfitting. I agree, this is one of those things that I don’t think I should like, but actually do.

  4. Melissa B. says:

    I really like the bottom dress in particular, but I agree with ChristianeF about the bow. It’s completely distracting and I want it to go away!

  5. Mary says:

    I agree with Toni. If you described these dresses to me, I’d say “hate”, but they’re very pretty. They’d be prettier without the bow, but I like them even with bows.

  6. Christine says:

    Yikes, I wore a similar style dress, not as gorgeous maybe, and yes it was in the 80s.

    I still have the dress if anyone wants to borrow it for their 80s flashback wedding.

    Gah. The 80s.

  7. This evening dress is really beautiful !