Move over wedding cupcakes, wedding macarons, and meat cakes, for there’s a new faddish after dinner treat in town. That’d be cake balls, of course. Similar to the super duper mini cupcake pops features in 2008, cake balls are… wait, let’s take a sec to laugh at the word “balls”… cake that someone has lovingly crumbled and mixed with frosting until the whole sweet mess can be molded into cohesive shapes. In this case, balls, tee hee. These are then dipped into some relative hard coating – think straight up chocolate or confectioners coating – and possibly topped with something else, like a walnut, silver dragees, or coconut.
Sounds tasty, but are they a hit at wedding receptions? In the words of a certain controversial polebrity who makes my ears bleed, “You betcha!” Specifically, they’re a hit with guests like moi, who would prefer a spoonful of cake with her frosting and not the other way around. Cake balls are sweet with a capital S, and not everyone’s cup of tea – I’ve heard them referred to as pre-masticated cake. But as you can see below, they do make for some impressive wedding reception dessert tables!

The beautiful display of cake balls above comes from Objects of Confection and was photographed by Karmalized Photography. They appeared (and were no doubt lustily consumed) at the farmer’s market themed wedding of a certain Brad and April of San Fran.
We had cake bites at each of the wedding showers within my new husband’s family last year–including my own shower. 🙂 They are delicious and were a hit!
What flavors, Abby? We want to know!
You said “hard.”
Thank goodness someone noticed!
We had chocolate fudge, italian cream and a white cake. 🙂 Sorry I don’t have more details, but the bakery would make any cake flavor they had as cake bites.
Thanks for the mention! Those cake balls were divine (I may have had a sample… or several). 😉
Those bite-size cakes are cute and enticing. I think they will be great addition to a wedding receptions if they are in booths and the guests just nibble them away. 😀