Gown Love: Ouma!

I’ve been sitting on these lovely dresses from Ouma for a while – so I thought what better way to celebrate the coming of another weekend than pictures of beautiful, pretty, frilly, feminine wedding dresses? Here’s a tiny taste:

Custom specialty orders, check! Bridesmaids’ dresses? Check check! Comfy cotton and poufy tulle? Check check check! Wedding dresses from Ouma don’t come cheap, but the prices seem to be on par with other wedding dresses out there. If you’re looking for something gorgeous and girly, you could definitely do worse!

4 Responses to “Gown Love: Ouma!”

  1. I. Am. In. Love…. what a nice last blog post to see before the hols 🙂

  2. Anne says:

    Not so much a fan of the dresses, as the photography. That first picture is especially gorgeous. Do you know who took these by any chance?

  3. @Anne I do! The photos were taken by GALAXIE ANDREWS (http://galaxieandrews.wordpress.com) and Angelica Glass (http://photos.angelicaglass.com) aaaaand Steph De Saga (http://www.spraygraphic.com/ViewProject/395)!