Bye Bye, After Six?

Yes, After Six, the tux rental giant has fallen… again. This is actually the third time since 1993 that the company has gone under and its name has come up for grabs.

Multiple changes in leadership and direction have failed to keep the company afloat, however. And why is this? Some point to corporate greed that drove manufacturing overseas decreasing flexibility, others to lack of fashion savvy on the part of the last few owners resulting in design doldrums on an epic scale, still others to the trend away from tux rentals and toward less formal attire for men at the altar. Perhaps it’s all three. Perhaps there’s another reason. I’m not a business major, and I’m not intimately acquainted with the situation at hand.

We’ll see who – if anyone – picks up this ball and runs with it. If they do, I wish them the very best of luck. This is not an easy time for tux rentals, what with the economy in the dumpster and a lot of couples either scaling down their wedding plans or putting them off for more fiscally optimistic days.

It is, however, kind of odd to me to think of a world without After Six.

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