I know, I know, there’s already been a Missy Messy edition of LOVE/HATE, and none too long ago, either. But I have a thing for messy wedding dresses – or what you might say are wedding dresses that aren’t perfectly polished. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! I rather like torn hems and uneven bows and that sort of thing. Particularly when it’s surprising because every other element of the wedding and the bride’s wedding day look is just so.
This Kate Towers dress isn’t advertised as a wedding dress, but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t be one! Just for the record, I heart Kate Towers dresses, which are mainly ruffly and girly, but not in a prim and proper way. There’s definitely that homemade look about them – a really amazing professional homemade look that I certainly can’t replicate at home with my own sewing machine. Personally, I love this dress, which is made of soft gray hand-dyed raw silk chiffon. It’s romantic. But what do you think? Is it *too* raw for a wedding?
Once again, I’m put off by the model’s pissed-off pose — she looks less like she’s getting married and more like she just made that dress out of some giant bird she just killed with her bare hands. The dress you linked to is not my style, but still gorgeous!
In that color, I think it would be fine for a young bride getting married in a woodsey, outdoor setting or maybe a urban, gritty setting. Garden wedding maybe if it is available in a lighter color.
Ditto on the model’s pose, does nothing for her or the dress.
I agree about the pose… she looks like she’s slouching… to me, this doesn’t say “wedding”…