Hi all! I recently asked Courtney Price, an amazing Northwest WA wedding photographer, to share her five favorite wedding photos. And she did, yay! Here’s what she sent:
When I was asked to write about my five favorite wedding photos, my brain went nuts. It did not narrow the field to five. My brain was not helpful.
Upon further contemplation, I decided that this could be a great learning experience! Really thinking about what I like and why I like it. And maybe it will help some future brides decide what they like… guiding them to make a great choice of a photographer? I hope so!
Without further ado, in no particular order…
Number one comes from a recent wedding:
These images were taken in Tacoma, WA near the museum of glass (blown by the amazing Chihuly). We got gobs of colorful, glassy gorgeous shots… but this one sticks out to me. Why? It’s all about the look in the bride’s eye. That’s love! It’s something that you can’t fake and can’t pose. It just happens.
This is my sister. How could this not be a favorite? I know their story and that this is a very happy ending.
Dreamy and magical. Boom! Love it.
You can’t always control the lighting on your wedding day, but your photographer should (okay, MUST… don’t let ______ with the “good” camera take your pictures!) be able to find some pockets, no matter the day or weather, that make it work. Great light makes everyone look fabulous!
I love these photos, Courtney! And I think the thing I love best about them all is the connection between the couple depicted. They all show moments of warmth and joy that, as you say, cannot be faked.
That’s what you’re looking for when booking a photographer, folks: someone who can capture real people in their most intimate moments. I know the pictures in my wedding album I most love to look at are the ones that really caught people being themselves. Me, Mr. Twistie, my brothers, my father, my friends… just us being truly us.