LOVE/HATE: Amazing Feets

(Illustration via Intimate Weddings, where you can see some fabulous pictures of a gorgeous wedding)

Every couple of years there’s a new ‘must have’ picture that those in the know have to have or risk being outed as unfashionable. There was the jumping photo a few years back, which has only just really begun to peter out, now replaced with the obligatory photo of the bride and groom’s (or entire bridal party’s) feet.

My guess is that this trend started with a couple who had on some really incredible footwear on. Their photographer wanted a shot – or perhaps the happy couple wanted to have the pic – and it looked kind of awesome. BOOM! Next thing you know everyone has to have the same shot, whether they’re wearing anything interesting on their feet or not.

See the couple above? They do have nice shoes on… but nothing so extraordinary that I see a reason to go that far out of the way to enshrine them. In a wedding that includes tricorn hats, full Victorian men’s formalwear, and an officiant wearing a huge, feathered headpiece, these shoes just aren’t that big a deal to me.

Is it a well-composed shot? Yes, it is. Are the bride’s shoes pretty? Yes, they are. Are they hidden by her gown? Not really. They’re nicely visible in a shot of the bride walking up the aisle.

My take on the obligatory shoe shot? Unless you’ve got something pretty darn extraordinary on your tootsies, I kind of HATE them.

But that’s me. What do you think?

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