Archive for the ‘Sunday Caption Madness’ Category

Twistie’s Sunday Caption Madness: The Mini Edition: The Result

Saturday, March 14th, 2009

Hello campers!

Last week I inflicted this image on you all:

and you all sent in captions. You did not make this an easy decision. You went and referenced Dickens, Flash Gordon, Barbarella, gnomes, and a host of other things that make me giggle as a general rule. I wish I could declare you all winners on this one.

In the end, though, there can be but one winner. This week, that winner is our own sterlingspider for this particularly shiny gem:

From that day onwards all the girls from Go-Go-A-Go-Go agreed that Patty’s wedding had been the ginchiest.

Little did sterlingspider know that I have been using and enjoying the term ‘ginchy’ since just a few years after this delightful image was snapped. The fact that someone used it to such exquisite effect won my scaly little heart, and probably Patty’s, too.

Congratulations to sterlingspider, and thanks to everyone who played. You’re all the ginchiest!

Twistie’s Sunday Caption Madness: The Mini Edition

Sunday, March 8th, 2009

You all know how this works. I put a picture before you that begs for a thousand words (or less) to describe it. You send in your best captions via the comments, and next week I declare a winner. We all cheer or jeer as the case may be, and live happily ever after.

And so, without further ado, here’s the image for the week:


Twistie’s Sunday Caption Madness: The Flushing Edition: The Results

Saturday, February 21st, 2009

Hey ho, all you caption fans!

Last week I presented you all with this sad, sad image:

and you came back at me with some fourteen captions for it. Well done, my friends.

In the end, though, there can be but one winner. This week, that would be La Petite Acadienne for this priceless entry:

Unfortunately, Sadie’s wedding day was marked by a bad acne breakout. Her efforts to disguise it by supplementing her veil with Charmin were sadly unsuccessful.

Congratulations, La Petite Acadienne! And thanks to everyone who played.

Twistie’s Sunday Caption Madness: The Flushing Edition

Sunday, February 15th, 2009

Welcome once again to Twistie’s Sunday Caption Madness! You all know how this is played. I post a picture that’s funny or utterly bizarre or otherwise just begging for some fun to be played with it. You send in your best captions via the comments section, and next week I declare a winner, the crowd cheers for joy, and we are all better people for the exercise.

Okay, I lied. I just declare a winner and that’s pretty much that. Still, we all get a good chuckle or two, and that’s worth having.

So take a gander at this one and let’s see what you all come up with.


Twiste’s Sunday Caption Madness: The Extreme Makeover Edition: The Result

Saturday, January 31st, 2009

As always, I’m so proud of the level of snarkitude displayed by our readers here at Manolo for the Brides. Last week I present you with this disturbing image:

And you came back at me with five gigglesome reactions.

Alas, there can be but one winner. This week it’s the always superfantastic TeleriB for this gem:

The Baroness wanted to be sure that it would be a wedding night for Destro to remember.

Congratulations, TeleriB! And thanks to everyone who played!

Twistie’s Sunday Caption Madness: The Too Many Brides Edition

Sunday, January 4th, 2009

Welcome to the first round of Twistie’s Sunday Caption Madness for 2009!

You all know the drill. I post a photograph, you give me your best captions via the comments section, and next week I declare a winner. It’s that simple.

And so, here’s the first image of the year:


Twistie’s Sunday Caption Madness: The Retro Edition

Sunday, November 30th, 2008

You all know how this works. I pick a picture and post it here. You send in your best captions via the comments section. Next week I pick a winner and we all laud said winner with songs of the great Tribble hunt…er…well, maybe not Tribble hunting songs, but a couple woos and hoos to celebrate, anyway.

Are you seated comfortably? Then we’ll begin. Take a gander at this and hit me with your best shots:
