Matrimonial miscellany

My inbox is filling up fast, which means it’s time to do an all-purpose dump of all of the great stuff readers just like you have been kind enough to send me. Here’s just some of what y’all have seen fit to shoot my way:

Bride agrees to let groom just do lurchy side-to-side thing during first dance (+5)

During a traditional wedding ceremony in these countries, the bride and groom jostle for a chance to step on each other’s toes. The first to get off a solid stomp on their beloved’s foot will supposedly be the “boss” in the marriage.

McCauley says divorce cakes are in the same category as divorce cards and black roses for the ex. They’re novelty items, usually ordered by a woman to help bring a friend out of her funk.

A Virginia bride wants the wedding of her dreams, but doesn’t have the funds… so she started an auction on eBay. The winner will get to be a bridesmaid at her wedding next April. (GAH.)

A follow-up to the library wedding-themed invitations, in photos!

A bookish affair

3 Responses to “Matrimonial miscellany”

  1. Twistie says:

    I’m loving those literary table decorations! What a fun idea! It just goes to show there’s a way to celebrate anything you love as part of the decor. Flowers and candles are fine, certainly, and I’d never sniff at them, but there are a million other ideas if you want something more original.

    I saw a horror story on about a wedding where that Russian kidnapping gambit was used (it was explained as a local custom, and this is the first time I’ve seen any indication of where it might have come from) to a tragic end. The ‘kidnappers’ left the pregnant bride in an ill-ventelated metal shed in high summer and went off to get drunk. By the time the poor woman was discovered, she was severely dehydrated and wound up having a miscarriage. So if it’s done where you are and you’re considering (and I don’t recommend this) following this tradition, be very sure your ‘kidnappers’ are trustworthy and have a safe, agreed-upon place to hold the bride.

  2. Mary says:

    I saw a follow-up news story that the bride who put the bridesmaid slot up on ebay subsequently got $10,000 from a local Dr. Pepper bottler to sponsor her wedding. I don’t see this as an improvement over the original idea.

  3. Twistie says:

    I wonder if her bridesmaid will be a six-pack or a two-liter bottle, Mary. And no, it’s not much of an improvement.