
Our very own Toni — I call her that because you ought to recognize her as a frequent commenter — sent me a bunch of links to photos of her cousin’s recent wedding. What you may not know about Toni is that she’s a fantastic photographer who’s shot a wedding or two in her day, including the one you’re about to see.

Toni described the wedding thusly:

They are also both big sci-fi fans, and the groom’s cake was the TARDIS from Doctor Who. They also had a fun movie theme where they showed clips from The Princess Bride before the ceremony, provided movie theater candy, had a Walk Of Fame, and other touches. (I overheard one of the flowers girls perusing the Walk Of Fame and wondering which groomsman was “Tom Hanks.”) Also, all of the music at the reception were songs from movie soundtracks. It was a nice theme without being cheesy and overwhelming.

This topper is cuter than most, and the little groom’s blush job looks to me like a tribute to silent movie era actors. I’m going to guess it wasn’t meant to be an homage, but it definitely beats the usual one-off plastic man-and-wife!

Many a bride-to-be wants to feel like a star on her big day, but this is the first wedding I’ve seen in which the couple actually declared themselves such. It’s a little over the top — in a good way — but I like this so much more than a boring monogram or a hardly noticeable painted aisle runner.

This is where I make the joke about their being way more filling than you’d expect on the inside. I am inspired to rush off and copy this fantastic groom’s cake. Who cares if it’s already past ten and I have to get up at 5:30 a.m.?

In a unique plot twist, the couple modeled their candy buffet after a concession stand, complete with striped sacks and movie posters. I’d say that some of their choices are a touch too freaky for my particular tastes, but I am also a sissy when it comes to DVD covers. I can still remember going into the video store as a child and being terrified of the Ghoulies box, and a quick peek confirms that it still freaks me out!

But enough about my irrational fears…I’d like to take this opportunity to say best wishes and congrats to Toni’s cousin, who has jumped feet-first into married life with a great deal of style and pizzazz!

5 Responses to “Lights…camera…wedding!”

  1. jstar says:

    I’m debating whether to tell my fiance about the TARDIS cake. It’s soooo awesome, but I know that’s what he’ll want for our non-movie/sci-fi themed wedding…. maybe I’ll just surprise him with one for his birthday…. Very cool pictures!

  2. Toni says:

    Awww…. thanks! I’ll have to tell my cousin what a cool wedding theme you guys thought it was. For two kids still in college and on a tight budget, I think they pulled off a fun wedding.

  3. La BellaDonna says:

    Wow. I know I’m impressed. Best of luck to them, Toni, and may they handle everything they encounter with equal aplomb.

  4. Twistie says:

    Looks like a hell of a good party! I’ve heard so many brides on reality shows simper about their Hollywood Glamor/Movie Star themes that the idea made me nervous at first, but seeing how Toni’s cousin handled it was a refreshing surprise. It looks fun, festive, and all about celebrating something important in a relaxed way. I got a huge kick out of the candy bar with the striped bags and movie posters, and I want that TARDIS cake. I bet it really is more filling on the inside.

  5. Little Red says:

    Lovely wedding! And I want the TARDIS cake as well.