LOVE/HATE: The Numerical Niftiness Edition

Snow globe table numbers

This cheeky wedding reception table number idea favored by Debi Lilly of A Perfect Event in Chicago has earned my undying love, if only because it’s such a great option for DIY brides. All it takes is some printed table numbers and some craft kit snow globes, and you’re all set.

What say you? Cute or cheesy?

4 Responses to “LOVE/HATE: The Numerical Niftiness Edition”

  1. Kai Jones says:

    I think they’re kind of cute but what’s the point? Unless you assign someone to shake them all up as people are coming to their tables, how will people even know it’s a snow globe?

  2. Twistie says:

    I don’t know, Kai Jones, I can usually identify a snow globe even if it isn’t shaken.

    Then again, between Heroes and Coraline I’ve gotten a lot of practice at recognizing snowglobes of late.

  3. blablover5: Leaking? Bad seals are one culprit. Kids attending the wedding might be another.

    Ashley: Hmmm, there is the matter of how water warps things…

  4. Diana says:

    Cute! I like the idea. Although I didn’t have assigned seating so that made things even easier!