We’ve posted about Legos within the context of marriage (sort of) here on the blog, but we’ve never given much space to Legos as they relate to weddings. There are, of course, Lego wedding cake toppers andLego wedding cakes made entirely of actual Legos, but Lego wedding cakes that are actually edible are few and far between. Here are two of the nicest I could find:

Photo by Norma Tub
If the construction theme isn’t for you, but you still want to incorporate Lego into your wedding cake, you could always do a stacked cake of different sizes and colors of Lego blocks or go entirely nuts and create a cake that is two three-foot-tall Lego people!
I’m quite loving the construction theme one. I don’t know why, but it appeals strongly to me.
OTOH, while I think the Leggo people cakes are extremely well done, I’m always befuddled as to how one would slice and serve something like that…not to mention the disconcerting possibility of winding up with a nose or an eye on my plate.
Those are nice cakes. I think those represent the partner life is beginning and they have to c build it block by block with patience and love. Well besides that i think the cakes are an original idea. I’ve never seen such a thing.
this appeals to the kid in everyone and it is well done great job and would love to try this out for myself it wowed me