There are all sorts of ways to invite best gal pals and sisters (or bros and boy pals) to be bridesmaids (or bridesmen), from mass market greeting cards to elaborate letters outlining your expectations to, I don’t know, skywriting? But I think I’ve found an invitation almost everyone can get behind.

That’s right, cookies. Specifically ‘will you be my bridesmaid’ cookies from The Flour Pot. With apologies to diabetic and other people whose sugar intake is by necessity reduced — and perhaps a baker could work with that — I’d be tickled pink to find a pretty cookie in my mailbox inviting me to be someone’s bridal attendant. Maid/matron of honor, flower girl, and ring bearer cookies are also available, which leads me to believe that The Flour Pot would work with you to create invitation cookies for your bridesmen, groomsmaids, and who knows who else. It never hurts to ask!
This is another one of those things that gets filed under “super amazing and adorable, assuming I had a sky-high budget for my nuptials.”
That said, these could probably be replicated at home for cheap by a decent baker.
Oh man, did you see the “Save the Date” cookies? So cute!