In a World Full of Interactive Wedding Invitations, This Interactive Wedding Invitation Stands Out!

Remember that video game wedding invitation from a while back? I’m reasonably sure that it was the first real interactive wedding invitation I’d seen – but once a good idea starts making the rounds, it’s bound to be replicated. And in bigger, badder ways, too. A quick minute brainstorming, and I’m imagining a Choose Your Own Adventure wedding invitation (which I would SO do) or maybe a scavenger hunt wedding invitation for those who had the time and the inclination. But you know what tops pretty much every interactive wedding invitation I could think up?

Paper Record Player from kellianderson on Vimeo.

This one. It’s a freakin’ papercraft record player, for goodness’ sake! I’m less impressed that it kind of plays an original song written by the couple – Karen Sandler and Mike Tarantino – who sent it out than I am that you can even make a record player out of paper. That someone even conceived of this idea in the first place, and then someone – that would be designer Kelli Anderson who talks more about the whole project on her website – took that idea and rolled with it. Seriously. A papercraft record player interactive wedding invitation. Seriously… Doesn’t that just beat all?

One Response to “In a World Full of Interactive Wedding Invitations, This Interactive Wedding Invitation Stands Out!”

  1. The Jananator says:

    That is truly super awesome, wow. The concept, anyway. Too bad it kind of sounds like crap. I was thinking it was going to be awesome, but nope.