Tradition often gets a bad rap. Here at Manolo for the Brides, it’s a common refrain in our articles that you mustn’t feel trapped by tradition or forced to participate in rituals you dislike that have no bearing on the legality or spiritual acceptance of your union.
But you know what? Some people wouldn’t want a wedding stripped bare of all tradition. Most of us feel connected to some wedding tradition, whether it’s required or not.
My own wedding was filled with traditions that I tell brides not to bother with if they don’t mean anything to them personally. I wore white, carried a bouquet of flowers, was attended by a group of female friends, accepted a ring from Mr. Twistie, tossed the bouquet and garter, was walked up the aisle by my father… and the list goes on. While our wedding was quirky, it was also surprisingly traditional.
I think my personal favorite wedding tradition is having the bridal party. Why? Because it represents so viscerally the idea that a couple needs the support of friends and family. It shows the relationship being approved and accepted by those closest to them, whether the ties are those of blood or of the heart.
So I’m wondering, what’s your favorite wedding tradition? What traditions do you intend to follow? For those who are already married, which ones did you follow because you really wanted to? Are there any you didn’t follow, but kind of wish now you had?
Actually, if I could go back and do it again, I would probably follow fewer traditions. I wasn’t as empowered then or as confident in my own wishes. I kind of let my mom take over.
One thing we did differently was to have our wedding cake iced with chocolate icing. It was beautiful.
Traditions or not, I think you are absolutely right that it is about doing what’s important to YOU, not everyone around you who is trying to tell you what to do.
Thanks for stopping by on my SITS day. It was a fun day for me.
I wore white (well, mostly – I had blue on my neckline and train), my husband and I exchanged rings, we had cake, a bridal party.
My older brother walked me up the aisle though, because I wanted my brothers to be included (among other reasons) and Dad just met me at the top of the aisle to lift my veil before I walked the last couple of steps by myself. I didn’t throw my bouquet, but just gave it to a niece/flowergirl, and only did something old/new/borrowed/blue by accident.
I didn’t plan it, but I love all the bridal charms that I received!
I think one of the most meaningful traditions is exchanging wedding rings. I think one of the most fun traditions is when the couple cuts the wedding cake together.