Whether or not he’s paying the bills, whether or not he’s your sounding board, whether or not he’s he’s your biological dad, take a moment to appreciate the guy who’s nurturing you today.
Archive for June, 2012
Happy Father’s Day from Manolo for the Brides
Sunday, June 17th, 2012Plastic Lives of Quiet Desperation
Friday, June 15th, 2012
As a little girl, I was taught about happily ever after from fairy tales. And of course I believed in it whole-heartedly. As a matter of fact, I still believe that a form of it is possible… it’s just not quite what we were told when Mom and Dad read Cinderella to us or when they popped a copy of Beauty and the Beast into the VCR to keep the little ones quiet after a long day and a couple gin and tonics.
But it’s easy to see how one could become a tidge jaundiced about the whole concept. Divorce is a fact of life that many of us have seen first – or at least second – hand.
Well, photographer Dina Goldstein decided to explore marital malaise through the symbology of one of the most happily ever after couples of our times: Barbie and Ken.
The results range from the hilarious to the moderately disturbing, as Barbie and Ken deal with their mutual frustration and his growing confusion about his sexuality.
This is a dollhouse Ibsen himself would have hesitated to write about, with overtones of Edward D. Wood, Jr., or at least Glen or Glenda.
Note: Yes, I know that transvestitism is not the same as being gay. In fact, the majority of transvestites are straight. Gay men who cross dress are far more likely to be drag queens, which is a whole other ball of wax.
Three’s a Charm
Thursday, June 14th, 2012
This is Sarah Clark and her new husband, Jonathan Humphreys at their wedding last saturday.
This is Clark’s parents on their wedding day in 1984:
Hey Nineteen
Wednesday, June 13th, 2012Nineteen years ago today, something momentous happened in my life. That day I married the love of my life.
Things haven’t always been smooth, things haven’t always (or even very often) worked out the way we planned. But it’s been an adventure I wouldn’t have missed for all the world.
Happy anniversary, Mr. Twistie! May we share many, many more.
Please Don’t Lob the Lobster Thermidor
Tuesday, June 12th, 2012
For those of you who don’t know (as I didn’t until the following wedding incident), this is Danny Guthrie, former star of the Newcastle United Football team.
This is Allerton Castle, where Guthrie was married on June 1st:
And this is an artist’s rendition of Guthrie’s wedding reception:
… except that the original is said to have featured a lot less pajamas and a lot more lobster thermidor than grapefruit.
According to the story in the Daily Telegraph yesterday, a brawl broke out at the wedding reception resulting in not one, not two, but three separate calls to the authorities to break up the ruckus.
An anonymous source said:
“They were chucking the lobster thermadore about. How can you comprehend such behaviour?”
I must admit it’s certainly beyond me. Wasting good seafood like that!
Despite reports that the bride wound up in the hospital, the police accounts of arriving on the premises three times to handle disturbances, and statements from the staff of the castle that the behavior of the wedding guests was ‘disgraceful and upsetting,’ not to mention the door that was physically broken in, the new Mrs. Guthrie is denying all rumors.
I can certainly understand a bride wanting to forget that much mayhem at her own wedding.
Still, once the dust has settled, I do hope that the Guthries have now seen the end of all violence in their marriage. Best of British luck to them… and since a great deal of the problem seems to have started with their respective families, I suggest not inviting them all to Christmas dinner this year.
Camping With McConaughey
Monday, June 11th, 2012
On saturday, Matthew McConaughey tied the knot with longtime love Camila Alves. The couple had been together for six years and have two children together. (No word on if the bride wore blue bridal wedding shoes.)
The family shared the moment with about a hundred close friends and family members in Austin in a high end camp out themed event. After the ceremony, guests were invited to stay and camp out for the night… though I have to say I’m not sure I consider it camping when such amenities as showers, restrooms, and even air conditioning are readily available.
Still, I’d rather stay comfy than camp out, I must admit.
Camping purist or no, I hope you’ll all join me in wishing the happy couple a long, joyful marriage.
Me and My Gallifreyan
Sunday, June 10th, 2012
(via Fashionably Geek)
I’m too busy having a fangirl squee moment to write anything coherent.
Take the box! Take the box!