Good Samaritans Samaritanned Right Back

Take a look at this lovely family portrait. Reading from right to left, that’s Melanie Cannon, Eddie Hanna, and Koda the pit bull mix.

Cannon and Hanna have been engaged for a while, but they’ve lost two wedding funds to emergencies. The first was spent on Hanna’s grandmother’s funeral. The two picked themselves up, dusted themselves off, and started over again. Then they heard about an abandoned litter of puppies available for adoption at the Halifax Humane Society. They fell in love with Koda and adopted him.

Unfortunately, Koda, the runt of the litter, turned out to have serious health issues that aren’t covered by the pet insurance the couple got for him. Koda has liver shunt, a condition that will require expensive medications and treatments for life.

Cannon and Hanna love their dog. Of course they spent their second wedding fund on caring for Koda.

And that’s when a miracle happened.

Cannon and Hanna were married on saturday at a celebration estimated to have cost into the ‘tens of thousands’ of dollars, mostly donated by local vendors. The effort was spearheaded by the Halifax Humane Society.

Miguel Abi-hassan, executive director of the Halifax Humane Society, said they did it because Cannon and Hanna’s story ‘really hit home’ with the staff of the shelter.

Local vendors rallied around with flowers, catering, photography, and music, among other services to help the happy couple have the wedding of their dreams.

Sometimes nice people do finish first, and sometimes dreams come true with a little help from other nice people.

I hope you’ll all join with me in wishing the happy couple – and their very special pet – every possible joy.

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