Happy Fiftieth to… Me!

No, not wedding anniversary. Mine is in June and it’ll take quite a few more before Mr. Twistie and I have been married that long.

Still, it’s a fiftieth anniversary of a sort: the fiftieth anniversary of my birth. Just thought I’d share that with you all today.

Oh, and if you feel like celebrating Twistie style, or are looking for a delicious thing to add to your reception dessert table, I’d like to direct your attention to this delicious cake created by pastry chef Elizabeth Falkner. The combination of chocolate, hazelnuts, and orange is just my kind of celebratory confection.

3 Responses to “Happy Fiftieth to… Me!”

  1. Well, heck! Happy, happy birthday!

  2. Jane H in WI says:

    Happy birthday (just a few more than 50) to me as well. Glad to share a day with you.

  3. Jenn says:

    Happy Birthday! (um, belated, apparently, as I didn’t see this yesterday!)