This is what leaving a wedding looked like fifty years and change ago. In fact, it’s a shot of a lady named Billie Mercer leaving her wedding reception with her new husband, Ned, in 1956. You can read about her wedding and how weddings have changed here, if you like.
One thing that was a given back then that isn’t as much of one now is that the happy couple would change their clothes and set straight off on their honeymoon.
These days it’s rare to have a getaway outfit. I believe the last one I personally witnessed was in 1978.
And while it’s still most common to head out on the honeymoon right away, it’s no longer an absolute given. Some couples hold destination weddings where the wedding and honeymoon are one and the same. Some plan to wait anywhere from a day to a year for the big trip. I still think one of the best decisions Mr. Twistie and I made was to spend our wedding night in a charming little B&B in the town where we were married. We ate at one of our favorite restaurants, relaxed with each other, had a bang up delicious breakfast, and dropped by my father’s house to spend a little time with family and open up gifts people had brought to the reception before we started our long drive up the coast to Canada.
Had we started driving right after we left the reception, I think we would have been more tired and less relaxed before we started our serious travels. We wouldn’t have gotten very far, and we probably would have been doing it in our wedding finery since there wasn’t a place on site to change.
In short, we found a way of doing things that made us feel comfortable and did it just that way.
So what about you? Are you heading straight from the reception to the airport/boat dock/open road? Do you plan to spend the week after your wedding lazing on the beach where you tied the knot? Are you planning to finish paying for the wedding and then worry about a honeymoon? Will you spend the night in a hotel or your own home and then head off?
And for those of you who have already done the deed, what did you do in this regard? Is it something you would do again, or a regret?
We had the BEST time at a local B&B! I still think about the delicious breakfast there. And…immediately afterwards we went to my husband’s apartment to pack it up (we were from different countries and he had to move), and then to clean up the reception hall (by ourselves, because all our relatives skidaddled). Puh…yeah, I would do that part differently. 🙂
For my first wedding a friend gifted us a night in a semi-local B&B since we were delaying our honeymoon. Of course, there was a bit of “confusion” about whether we were changing or not, so our getaway pictures have him in jeans and a polo and me still in my dress. Just one more reason why *that* one didn’t work out, lol.
This time around we’ve got our room already booked at the venue for the night of (and the night before), and then we’ll leisurely make our way down to Disney World the next day for a week-long honeymoon in the house of mouse.
We DID change into honeymoon outfits, and left our reception just before midnight; suitcases and all!
Just prior to our getaway, our DJ reannounced our entrance into the hall, and played our “last” song as our whole reception made 5 chain-linked circles and danced around us. When the song ended, everyone raised their arms in what could only be described as the largest group hug possible, we waved good-bye to them all, and were whisked away onto an overnight flight. It was the most touching and romantic get-away we could have every hoped for, and our guests partied long into the night in our honour 🙂
If there are any long-lost traditions that should be re-introduced, this is it!
I already have my getaway outfit planned. 🙂 I’ve always loved the idea of a pretty suit and a corsage, so that’s what I’m going to do. I inherited some pretty apple green wool from my grandmother, and stumbled across some pretty pale pink silk twill (on crazy clearance!) that I’ll use to line the suit and make a blouse. Incidentally, this outfit is the same as my “getting there” outfit. I refuse to look like a slob on one of the most important days of my life! Also, it’s kind of in tribute to my other grandmother, who was married in a fairly simple blue dress in a living room, and whose worldly possessions fit into one small cardboard box when she moved into their apartment after the wedding. 🙂
We spent the night in a room at the venue (in a tower!), so actually, we saw all out guests off (we didn’t quite intend it that way, but I can’t imagine it working otherwise). The day after, we went home for a couple of hours to open presents and pack for the honeymoon (I couldn’t even think about that beforehand). Then we spent the night in the CBD and went to the airport early the next morning.
It’s fairly common amongst our friends though to have a mini-moon somewhere fairly local, then have their ‘real’ honeymoon a few months later.