Twistie’s Sunday Caption Madness: The I Drop the Castle Edition

Oh my dearie darlings!

It’s time once again to play Twistie’s Sunday Caption Madness. You all know how this works. I find a picture that’s simply having night terrors searching for a funny caption or six. You provide said captions via the comments function located conveniently at the end of this post. Next week I declare a winner, and we all do a triumphant rhumba down the street.

This week’s image comes from under the floorboards of the Catering Catastrophe file, and it looks a little bit like this:

Ready… set… snark!

One Response to “Twistie’s Sunday Caption Madness: The I Drop the Castle Edition”

  1. Jenn says:

    When you promised me a castle this was NOT what I had in mind.