In March, I finally finished cleaning out my desk in what was once my office, was destined to be a nursery for a time, and then became a playroom. Among the detritus, I found a stack of wedding planning books that I had meant to use as giveaway prizes in individual contests. Oops! But it occurred to me that my oops could be one reader’s gain – because I can now hold a wedding planning book giveaway four times the usual size! This giveaway will include four fun titles: How I Planned Your Wedding by Susan Wiggs, Something New by Elise Mac Adam, Help! I’m a Newlywed by Lorraine Sanabria Robertson (not strictly a wedding book, but close enough), and a signed copy of my own book iDo!

Free wedding books? Sweet!
With this four pack, you pretty much have everything you need to plan a wedding and start off married life right. Or you have a free gift to give to someone who’s planning a wedding and poised to entered the world of the marrieds. Either way, you can’t go wrong.
Win the Wedding Planning Book Four Pack!
I’ve got copies of How I Planned Your Wedding by Susan Wiggs, Something New by Elise Mac Adam, Help! I’m a Newlywed by Lorraine Sanabria Robertson (not strictly a wedding book, but close enough), and a signed copy of my own book iDo waiting for one lucky reader. To enter to win, just leave a comment on this post telling us your favorite flavor of wedding cake (with cookies or pie being acceptable answers).
For additional entries, do any of the following (and leave a comment for each additional entry):
1. As always, you can score one additional entry when you add Manolo for the Brides to your blogroll, or let us know we’re already on your blogroll so we can link back to you
2. Score two additional entries when you like Manolo for the Brides on Facebook
3. And you can pick up a whopping three additional entries when you tweet this giveaway or post about it on your own blog!
This giveaway will end at 11:59 p.m. EST on Friday, April 8, and the winner – chosen via your friend and mine, the trusty random number generator – will be announced on the following Monday. Good luck!