Archive for the ‘Doings of the Manolo’ Category

Green Manolo

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010

Manolo says, please allow the Manolo to introduce to you the newest addition to the Manolosphere, Green Manolo.

Edited by our good friend Christa Terry (a.k.a Never teh Bride) of this very blog you are currently reading, Manolo for the Brides, and also the Manolo for the Home, the Green Manolo is the blog all about the super fantastic sustainable lifestyle!

And now, you must go visit the Green Manolo


Tuesday, April 10th, 2007

Manolo says, Ayyyyyyyyyy! While attempting to fight the comment spam, the Manolo has just accidently erased the last three days worth of the comments on this blog.

Many and profuse apologies to the Never teh Bride and to our internet friends who participate in the spirited conversation here. It was entirely the Manolo’s own fault.

Comments on the Manolo For the Brides

Friday, December 22nd, 2006

Manolo says, Ayyyyyyyyy!

Many apologies to the internet friends of the Manolo and the Never teh Bride, as once again the Manolo has accidently erased some of the comments left here at the Manolo for the Brides.

As you may perhaps know, the popular blogs are continually under assualt from the comment spammers who each day attempt to leave thousands of the inappropriate comments, all in the effort to gain the positional advantage in the search engines.

As the consequence, one of the daily tasks of the Manolo is to erase these useless and frequently offensive comments. Sadly, the Manolo occasionally errs, deleting the real comments, which has today happened again.

The Wedding Blogs

Wednesday, February 15th, 2006

Manolo says, for the many days now the Manolo he has been meaning to mention that the Manolo’s good friends at the Ourday-Online are offering to the readers of the Manolo’s humble Bride Blog the opportunity to receive the free wedding blog!

Welcome to the Never teh Bride!

Wednesday, October 5th, 2005

Manolo says, Hello to the many internet friends of the Manolo!

Welcome to the all remodeled and mostly new Manolo for the Brides Blog!

This blog it has the new website address (, the new look, and now, the brand new editor and blogger, the Never teh Bride.

But, do not worry, the Manolo he would not put you into the hands of the inexperienced person. Indeed, the Never teh Bride she is the excellent and most amusing blogger.

In the fact, to the mind of the Manolo, she is one of the best unknown bloggers the Manolo has seen, someone who deserves the wider audience and more of the readers.

What convinced the Manolo to ask her to join him in the blogging for the brides was her own blog, the eponymous, Never teh Bride. It is hilarious, and yet, it is also filled with the sound advice on fashion, manners, and relationships. This combination, it is exactly what the Manolo wants at the blogs of the Manolo, and so he knows that she is right for the important task of helping the Manolo with the bride blogging.

Trust the Manolo, once you have read the Never teh Bride blogging about the brides, and the dresses, and the cakes, and the Beard, you will want to return here again and again to read more of this talented person’s writings.

The Manolo’s Wedding Favors

Monday, July 4th, 2005

Manolo says, the Manolo he has found the good place to buy the wedding favors.