Archive for the ‘Invitations’ Category

Invitation Math 101

Thursday, July 5th, 2012

(via Wedding Invitations Online)

Invitations are easy, right? Mostly right. They aren’t especially difficult, but sometimes it’s a good idea to take an extra moment to think things through. I, for one, could have taken an extra moment to consider just how many invitations I really needed. I added up how many people I was inviting and… let’s just say that a moment’s reflection would have led to a lot less serious overbuying. What can I say? Math has never been my strong suit. At least I didn’t get too few.

So here are a few tips to help you navigate the math minefield you may not even realize you’ve entered.

Handmade Without the DIY

Friday, May 18th, 2012

You guys know I love DIY. I think it makes for a unique, highly personal celebration. On the other hand, it’s not for everyone. Some of us don’t have the time, or the inclination to do the work for ourselves. And let’s face it, there are some amongst us who simply do not have the crafting chops to get the job done right. For example:

(Image via CraftFail)
I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want to put up that poor mess of string at my wedding reception!

So what do you do if you love DIY but don’t have the time or the space or the talent? Why you go to people who have those things and pay them to do it for you. And that’s where Etsy comes into play.

Invitation Wording For Smart Cookies Part 4

Friday, October 14th, 2011

So far this week, we’ve talked a lot about how to word wedding invitations. Not surprising, since this is a wedding blog and we talk a lot about weddings here.

But every once in a while, the actual wedding is held quietly and privately, or is held very far away from many friends and family members, or the happy couple wants to honor some form of milestone by reaffirming their commitment to one another publicly, or the relationship may not be recognized legally where the couple lives, but they wish to make a public commitment anyway. No matter which case is the one that fits your situation, you still need to understand how to word your invitation so that it is both polite and understandable.


Invitation Wording For Smart Cookies Part 3

Thursday, October 13th, 2011

For the last two days, I’ve been schooling you in how to properly word a wedding invitation. Well today we’re going to cover the burning question of how to work the wording when the couple in question is a same-sex one.

Traditionally, the form is ladies first. The bride’s parents were responsible for the entire celebration, and it was often the one day of her life that a woman got to be seriously celebrated. The world has changed, but ladies first is still the rule.

So how do we deal if there are two ladies getting married? What about when it’s two guys and there isn’t a lady to go first?

Invitation Wording For Smart Cookies Part 2

Wednesday, October 12th, 2011

Yesterday we talked briefly about the standard forms for wording wedding invitations… and now we start getting into the finer points. What do you do when your parents have divorced? What if they’ve remarried? Multiple times? What if one of your parents has, sadly, passed on?

Not to panic. There are forms that have developed over time, because no matter your situation, you are not the first one facing it.

Invitation Wording for Smart Cookies Pt. 1

Tuesday, October 11th, 2011

If you’ve never had to decide on the wording of a wedding invitation before, it can be a confusing task. Pleasure of your company or honor of your presence? Whose parents’ names come first? How about divorce or dead parents? Two grooms or two brides? Who gets listed first then? Can’t I just send out a viral evite?

Don’t panic. It’s really not as complicated as all that. You just need to know what the rules are and how they affect your choices. Also? Nobody ever died of an ill-worded wedding invitation, so it’s okay to lighten up a bit.

Handpainted Inspiration from Courtney Khail Stationery

Tuesday, July 26th, 2011

Most of the time, the content on this blog is the result of my puttering around on Google image search and other wedding blogs and Pinterest until something dazzles me or some piece of advice pops into my head. But I’d like y’all to know that I actually do read my emails, even if I am slow to log in sometimes. And recently, when I finally sat down to check my email, I found a nice note from Courtney of Courtney Khail Stationery inviting me to check out her wedding invitations and other wedding stationery featuring hand drawn illustrations done in ink and watercolor on 100% cotton cardstock.

Have I mentioned lately that I am a 100% sucker for anything that is hand drawn or hand painted? Because it’s true. I am. And why not, when opting for handpainted wedding stationery results in awesome and amazing invitations, etc., like these?

Bees buzz along, birds sing a love song...
