Nothing Says Love Like a Chestburster!

alien wedding cake movie

I don’t think I need waste my breath (finger strength?) chatting on and on about this awesome Alien wedding cake from Jet City Cakes. You’re either going to love it or think “Ugh, why would anyone do that?” Personally, I think it’s awesome, though I’d think twice about actually having a piece… for obvious reasons.

6 Responses to “Nothing Says Love Like a Chestburster!”

  1. I actually find it quite scary! Very personal and memorable though, which is what it’s all about.

  2. Twistie says:

    Wow! That took some amazing chops to make.

    Would I want it for me? No. I have never even seen Alien, and feel very sure that if I did I would do pretty much anything I could to forget the disturbing images therein. But for a couple that loves the film, I would find this delightful.

  3. Aprilette says:

    Personally, I think the cake gives me the creeps especially the cake toppers. I think this wedding cake would go great for a young, preppy, couple that’s into science fiction movies and is into something unconventional. I don’t like the dark, gooey color of the fondant icing. But this alien concept would be great for a birthday cake for someone who is into alien movies.

  4. Doesn’t really go well with me… May be I’d like it in pieces because it wont have the scary look overall.

  5. Jennie says:

    The toppers look like a failed circumcision… Which if you think about it would piss you off too.

  6. Lindsay says:

    3 words:
    Best. Cake. EVER.
    ’nuff said