A Way, Way, Way Off-Topic Post

Teeny Manolo scooped the news that I had my baby girl, but I wanted to share one of the first pictures of Paloma right here on Manolo for the Brides.

Baby Paloma

We’re doing wonderfully, though at a mere 34 weeks, Paloma is currently bunking in the NICU until she learns to do the things that many full term babies can do right away. We’re very much looking forward to the day that she can come home and I can start fostering a love of all things wedding in my daughter!

Photo credit goes to the fantastic cahla

25 Responses to “A Way, Way, Way Off-Topic Post”

  1. bobbie-sue says:

    Congratulations! She’s beautiful.

  2. Twistie says:

    She’s beautiful, NtB!

    Take care of that precious future bride. Congratulations to you and Proud Papa Beard!

  3. Screaming Madre says:

    Paloma is awesome! Congratulations to all three of you, and welcome to another rich and wonderful chapter of your lives!

  4. 7nina says:


  5. Carol says:

    Congratulations! She is beautiful. And no worries on the early arrival. My youngest decided 33 weeks was long enough, thank you very much. Perfectly normal in every way. Enjoy these days!!!

  6. Congratulations! Paloma is a lovely name. I hope everyone is hale and hearty and at home soon!

  7. Toni says:

    Congrats! Here’s to her health and happiness!

  8. angela says:

    Eeeeeeee! She is lovely and Paloma is a wonderful name. Congratulations!

  9. jstar says:

    Congratulations! She’s simply adorable!

  10. dr nic says:

    Congratulations!!!! She is beautiful.

  11. Melissa B. says:

    Congratulations NtB!! She is gorgeous, I hope you and The Beard get to take her home soon.

  12. She’s lovely. Your hearts must be so full!

  13. SusanC says:

    Congrats on your beautiful daughter. And I love that little pink hat on her (I think that shade only works for those under 12).

  14. Diana says:

    She’s so beautiful! I love her name, congratulations 🙂

  15. Tizzy says:

    Congrats, she’s beautiful.

  16. mini_pixie says:

    Congrats, NtB! Best wishes. The NICU time is overwhelming, but will be a memory soon enough. (My oldest was 35 1/2 weeks when she arrived, and the little one was 25 weeks.) She is gorgeous, just like her mommy!

  17. Margaret says:

    NtB, she is adorable. Congratulations. And, what a fabulous name!

    (By the way, I arrived at 32 weeks, and am now 29 and getting spliced in 11 weeks time, so don’t worry about her, she’ll be fine.)

  18. Little Red says:

    A beautiful name for a beautiful little girl! Congratulations.

  19. Rachel says:

    She is beautiful! Congratulations!!

  20. Kate says:

    God Bless! Congratulations!

  21. Juliet says:

    Congratulations! How precious!

  22. La BellaDonna says:

    Oh, NtB, I’m so happy for you! Congratulations to you and The Beard! And yes, it’s a lovely name for her.

    Heh. Can’t wait to see HER wedding dress on your site.

  23. Jane Canuck says:

    Congratulations NtB!!! She’s gorgeous and I absolutely love her name. Best wishes for all of you and I hope she can come home soon.

  24. Camilla says:

    Huge HUGE congratulations. She looks adorable and Paloma is a beautiful name.

    Wish you all the best.
    Camilla x

  25. sunf says:

    Oh Lord, she is YUMMY… so beautiful. And how classy is her name? Congratulations, and hoping you’ll become a guest poster on Teeny Manolo so we hear more on Paloma’s adventures in this great big world she’s come into!