Hits and Misses from J. Crew

Sometimes clothes can surprise you. These wedding dresses from J. Crew certainly surprised me!


Ruffled tiers a hit? I didn’t think I’d like this wedding dress at all when I first laid eyes upon it, but it’s grown on me in a big way. While it’s definitely not for every bride — I would look like a lingerie sachet in it — I can see it looking absolutely smashing and sophisticated on the right bride. The soft color is lovely, and the dress itself is a bit hippie-ish without being overwhelmingly crunchy.


But this… let’s just say I had high hopes for this silk wedding gown when I recently saw it in the pages of a magazine. From far away, the neckline of feathery pleated chiffon looks so pretty. As you get closer to it, however, it gets a little too Pocahontas-ish for my tastes. Fringe has it’s place in the world, but I’m pretty sure that place should be nowhere near a wedding gown.

4 Responses to “Hits and Misses from J. Crew”

  1. Brenda says:

    I certainly like the second dress a lot more. The first dress is “interesting” to say the least, but as you mentioned, it could look good on the right bride.

    The second dress is extremely elegant, the neckline is noticeable but not too noticeable.

  2. I just wish, Brenda, that the second wedding dress had a neckline a bit less feathery. It would look smashing plain — one wonders if a seamstress could take that right off without damaging the dress.

  3. La BellaDonna says:

    I don’t have problems with fringe OR feathers on a wedding gown; it’s just a matter of “Does this trim work with the style of the rest of the gown, and the fabric of which it’s made?”

    That said …. I don’t particularly think it does work with this gown.

  4. Good point, La BellaDonna. There’s nothing to say that fringe wouldn’t work swimmingly on another wedding gown, though truth be told, I’m just not a fringe kind of gal.