Wedding Planning Tools Literally At Your Fingertips

Brides-to-be have yet another tool in their wedding planning arsenal these days, provided that they have an iPhone or an iPod Touch. That’s right, I’m talking apps, and serious ones at that.

iphone wedding

Wedding planning apps for the iPhone can do everything from inspire you as you shop to help you create your reception seating plan to keep track of your favorite wedding gowns. Here are some of my favorites:

Wedding Envi
For a mere $1.99, Wedding Envi catalogs images of wedding gowns, tuxedos for the groom, bouquets, wedding rings, invitations, and more. Just choose a category and it will play a slideshow of pics. Use it for creative wedding planning inspiration or, f you like what you see, you can click to be taken to a page with retail info.

iBridal Gown
For $3.99, iBridal Gown gives you a convenient place to jot down notes about the wedding dresses you see while shopping for your perfect gown. Info about favorite wedding dresses is stored in an easy-to-navigate list that includes details, pictures, and the bridal salon where you saw them.

Thhe heavy hitter among the wedding planning apps, iWedding keeps track of just about everything on a bride’s to-do list. Input your guest list, your vendors, your RSVPs, seating arrangements, timetable, budget, money spent, inspiration, wedding registry info, etc. as you go and this app will make sure you don’t forget a single detail or responsibility. It costs $7.99, which is reasonable when you think about how much those fancy wedding planning binders go for. Note: For $2.99, you can get Wedding List, the less functional version.

My Wedding
Is $3.99 too much to spend on what amounts to a basic checklist? My Wedding is a checklist for brides on the go. It includes a could-be-fun feature known as the “wedding decider,” which makes your wedding planning decisions for you in a pinch.

Wedding Budget, Etc.
A mere $.99 will get you Wedding Budget, an app that does exactly what you think it ought to do. There’s also Wedding Tips, which again should be self-explanatory. Then there’s Wedding Registor, an app that helps brides and grooms set up a wedding registry.

There are a ton of other wedding planning iPhone apps out there, though the usefulness of most of them is dubious at best. Some are just for fun, like iRomantic and Wedding Dash. Just don’t go so app crazy that you find yourself inspired to order an iPhone wedding cake (unless you truly want one) or *quelle horreur* propose to that special someone with iPropose.

6 Responses to “Wedding Planning Tools Literally At Your Fingertips”

  1. Rick says:

    Wow! Technology is really putting information at our fingertips. However, I wonder if there is an app that you can use to learn more about the metals commonly used for bridal jewelry.

    Don’t forget to take the time to research the benefits of each metal that are commonly used for wedding bands, wedding rings and engagement rings as well. And it is best to do that before you begin shopping.

    Keep in mind that platinum is expensive, but is naturally white and does not lose mass over time (so you can have a platinum ring refinished over and over). White gold is not naturally white and will look more yellow over time, so if you are looking for a white metal and platinum is not an option due to its price, then you may wish to consider palladium. Wedding bands made from titanium and tungsten look sleek, but neither metal can be sized.

    To learn more about the characteristics for the metals commonly used for wedding bands, visit

  2. Twistie says:

    I don’t know, Rick. My sterling silver engagement ring is doing just fine, and I’ve been wearing it for nearly twenty years now. So is my sterling silver wedding band, which was also my mother’s.

    Besides, this seems a bit off-topic from the question of apps for iPhones and a bit like advertising to me.

    But if I had an iPhone and a wedding to plan, I might well look into a couple of those apps.

  3. Oh, Rick, Rick, Rick… I like how you tried to frame your comment as something other than spam with that first paragraph.

  4. Megan Hobson says:

    So cool! I tend to use my iPhone for everything these days. Great info!

  5. AmazonPrincess says:

    I’ll have to look to see if any of those were developed for crackberry too… I’m never without mine. 🙂

  6. La BellaDonna says:

    I have to say, even if Rick’s comment is perilously close to spam … I AM interested in the different metals, and I will probably check out the site. It would have been more appropriate for him to write and send a link, asking you to review his site … but it’s not entirely irrelevant.